Spring cleaning and maintaining your home… when is it still worth it?

Spring is the time of the year when flowers are in bloom, the sun’s rays are invigorating and the brown landscapes are once again filled with lush green colors. It’s no question why spring is one of the most favorite seasons for a lot of people.

But, as the beauty of Spring is all around us, is it also in your home? Spring is the time for cleaning and sprucing up after a long and hard winter. There are gutters and downspouts to fix and clean. Obstruction in drains, check plumbing, roof and foundation, upkeep your perimeter fence and landscaping these are only to name a few. But, maintenance  does not end at all here. The list is just starting. You also need to reseal and caulk around tile and showers. Clean air ducts and vents, check your irrigation and sprinkler system, repair and repaint interior and exterior if needed.

Spring cleaning arises from the days when homes were solely heated by wood burning fireplaces and homeowners had to put in lots of springtime maintenance to prevent heat from fleeing during the following winter season.  Homeowners seized the opportunity of spring with its warmer weather to fling open their windows and rid the house of winters dank and musty air, they then cleaned it from all the grime accumulated over the winter season.

Spring cleaning can be a pain. But don’t fret! Developments in technology mean that some housework can be carried out by cleaning machines or a piece of technology, compared to when everything was done manually and vigorously by hand.

One of the main parts of spring cleaning is getting rid of clutter that is not essential to your home. Use a to-do list to keep everything organized. You can also plan a garage sale. Cleaning is a lot easier when the clutter is thrown away or better yet… sold!

There are many specific chores that need to be completed seasonally but the worst comes in spring due to a number of reasons. In fact, in February 2017, a survey was conducted online among over 1,000 U.S. adults, ages 18+. The majority of respondents which is 66 percent do participate in spring cleaning. However, 54 percent of the same respondents found it hard to get motivated or decide where to begin.  More so, the survey found out that just getting started is the hardest spring cleaning challenge. Forty percent said they also have trouble finding the time to clean, while 39 percent cite the physical effort needed for cleaning to be their greatest challenge.

Sometimes, mere cleaning is not enough. Weather changes and lack of necessary maintenance takes its toll on your property.  After years of neglect you wake up one day to find yourself living in the ugliest house in your neighborhood. You would like to sell it but, there’s too much to repair, you’re embarrassed of the condition and afraid that no one will buy your now distressed home. There are in fact cash-buyers and investors who would gladly buy your home in AS-IS condition.

When it’s wiser to just sell your home

Homeowners who do not take preventative measures in making the necessary annual maintenance are allowing their home sweet home to slowly fall into disrepair.

Moreover, the real estate market is always changing. What you thought was the value of your home today may not be the same tomorrow. A distressed house does not appreciate in value instead it loses most of its value and eventually becomes an eyesore. Most of these homes at this point no longer qualifies for a conventional loan, making it difficult to find a retail buyer if listed on the MLS. You can either try to  sell it yourself or call up your local cash buyer or real estate investor.

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